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Physics and Math Resources


NIST Science Data Portal    A comprehensive searchable catalog of experimental, teoretical, and computational data, and analysis tools.

NIST Standard Reference Data    This is a continualy updated catalog of NIST reference data, spanning the Institute's entire research spectrum. It contains 41 fee-based databases and 49 free databases.

NIST Physical Reference Data   A database of up-to-date physical standards such as the fundamental constants, nuclear/atomic/molecular spectroscopy, x-ray and gamma-ray data, solid state data etc.

NIST Chemistry Webbook   A comprehensive catalog of thermophysical and transport properties of fluids, including phase change, saturation properties etc. It is fully searchable by molecule name and/or formula.

Open Quantum Materials Database    A detailed database of DFT-calculated thermodynamic and structural properties of 815,654 materials, developed at Northwestern University.

CERN Opendata Portal    A comprehensive catalog of particle physics infromation.



Gravitational Waves Open Science Center

NASA Planetary Data System    The principal repository of all planetary science missions flew by NASA.

Mars Remote Sensing Database



Numerical Recipes

Google Colaboratory for Free Cloud Computing



NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions   This is the authoritative online reference for mathematical functions.  It is a continually updated comprehensive resource covering virtually all functions (and their associated differential and integral equations, various representations, properties, usage etc.) a physicist will ever need.

Tables of Integrals, Series, and Products   This is probably the most comprehensive list of integrals and series.



arXiv e-Print archive    A free distribution service for hard-science preprints started at LANL and currently hosted by Cornell University.

Los Alamos Research Online    A fully searchable online repository of all papers originated at LANL from 2006 to the present.

Directory of Open Access Journals   A fully searchable database of more than 15,000 open-access journals spanning many fields.



Broussard Hall, room 208, contains a small library of mathematics and physics books.  A catalog has been created so that anyone can search for these books by title, subject, author or keyword.